Lainey is 21 months old today! A year and three-fourths! Though it's not a pediatric milestone (no wellness check at 21 months), it's still a big milestone to me! It's important to me that I document all the things Lainey has be up to these past 3 months!
Lainey, as of 21 months
In the past month, Lainey started (and successfully learned!) to potty train! I still can't believe how quick she picked it up. We started exactly three weeks ago (June 30th), and since Day 4, she has only had 1 accident! And the accident was very minor - occurred on Day 5 with a minor pee accident. In the past few days, her nap and bedtime diapers have been completely dry so I think I might nap and bed time potty train soon. I need to read my book on how they say to do it, but I think she's about ready for that too!
Our days are all very different. Sometimes we are on the go, sometimes we are home, sometimes we have visitors, and sometimes Daddy isn't home because he's training. But through it all, I maintain Lainey's schedule/routine. That has been very important to me. In general, Lainey is up at 8 am, eats at 11 am, naps from 12 - 3 pm, eats dinner around 5:30, and we start the bedtime process roughly around 6:30 (she's usually in her crib around 7:15/7:30 pm).

Here are some of the milestones Lainey reached since 18 months old:
Started giving "over" and "back" casts to Mack, 18 months old
First camping trip (sort of), 19 months old
First flying vacation (Hilton Head Island, SC), 19 months old
First time in the ocean and bike ride - all while on vacation, 19 months
First time dining in at a restaurant (also while on vacation, Skull Creek Boathouse), 19 months
Found out she's going to have a Baby SISTER, 20 months
Officially started (and I think we can say pretty much completed) potty training, 20 months
Started identifying colors (red, orange, purple) with either sign or spoken words, 20 months
Watched part of the NBA Finals, Game 6 (BUCKS WON!!), 20 months old
There are so many memories I want to always remember. So many moments I wish I could just pause and make sure I remember the details of it all. Being able to stay home and raise Lainey has been the most amazing blessing, and I am so thankful for it! I love every second and honestly, every time she goes down (for a nap or at night), Tyler and I talk about how happy she makes us and the amazing things she did that day.
Some memories and moments I want to make sure are documented:
Lainey's language seems to be exploding by the minute! I especially noticed this starting around 20 months. She's repeating so many words and learning at an incredibly fast rate! It's so fun to see! For example, last night during Game 6 of the NBA Finals, Bobby Portis scored and we yelled, "Go Bobby!" and she screamed with excitement back, "Go Bobby!".
I always cheer when Lainey goes on the potty but now she starts cheering for herself when she starts to go! It's so sweet hearing her cheer for herself!
Lainey uses sign and spoken words interchangeable, usually in the same phrase too! For example, she will communicate: "Mama (spoken), pretzels (spoken & sign), wait (sign)". I love how much she loves sign! She knows all the words I have taught her. I could teach her more just for fun but her language has really developed that I feel like I can understand what she is saying.
Speaking of speech, both her B-3 Teacher and her Audiologist are absolutely amazed with her progress. They both expressed to me that they don't think Lainey will need any speech therapy! (Speech development is a large concern for children with hearing loss).
I absolutely love how much of a leader Lainey is (we don't say bossy, she's a leader). She tells me where to sit, what she wants, and if she's going to wait or come with me to get it (usually she wants to wait while I get it).
Anything Lainey does, she wants Mack to do it too. For example, Lainey goes outside, Mack goes outside. Lainey puts on Aquaphor, Mack puts on Aquaphor. Lainey wears a bonnet, Mack wears a bonnet. This past week, Lainey wanted Mack to brush his teeth with her and also wink. Tyler needs to get Mack trained to wink, I guess!
Lainey has developed a love for the Bucks! She was such a great lucky charm in the Finals. As I mentioned, it has been taking Lainey a while to fall asleep so on a game night, I would get her up and show her the Bucks game. Soon, she started chanting back to us "Go Bucks!" and clapping when we yelled "De-fense!". I obviously had to let her watch Game 6 because the Bucks won all the games in the Finals that Lainey saw a piece of.
I got Lainey a "1,000 Words" book and she absolutely loves it! We learn from it every night. It is actually hard for me to keep up with her! She'll want to see one of the photos from something we taught her a few nights ago (say, a skunk) but it'll take me about 5 minutes to find what page it is on since the book is about 50 pages long!
Lainey is such a little Peanut! 18-month clothing is big on her. While potty training, I got her 18-month pull-on shorts from Target. I had to exchange them all for 12-month shorts because they literally kept falling down to her ankles! I actually had to return all the 12-month pull-ons too because they also were too big! At 20 months, she weighed 21 pounds.
Every time Lainey sees my mom or sister, she asks for a cookie. This started a few months ago. My sister gave Lainey a cookie during one visit and the rest was history! Literally every time Lainey she sees them (even while FaceTiming), she asks for a cookie (in sign and spoken language).
Lainey loves the US Postal Service, especially the mail carrier's vehicle. Every morning, we try to meet our mail carrier at our mailbox. He hands us our mail and we talk. Then we wave and Lainey signs "thank you". Based on her love, I had to get Lainey a US Postal Service book, as well as a play mail carrier vehicle. We are hoping to get our book signed by our local mail carrier soon.
Lainey also loves to play in vehicles. She loves turning on the flashers and the windshield wipers. The back of Daddy's truck is especially fun! She loves playing with the dog kennels. She loves to open and close the kennel doors and put all the bumpers, dokens, and decoys she can find in them. She also likes crawling into and sitting in the kennel, especially when she has it full of bumpers, dokens, and decoys. She often asks that I get in the kennel next to her. And speaking of decoys, she has duck decoys all over the house! They can be found in our bike cart on bike rides, in the bath, her room, and in her playhouse in the playroom.
Lainey's love for dogs and training continues to grow. She loves all the client dogs we have at our house. Most toddlers know Disney characters, but Lainey instead learned our client dogs' names! Among her favorites are Roscoe, Tilly, Boone, Archer, Minnie, and Olive. And speaking of dogs and training, Lainey also really loves Uncle Jake's truck, especially when it's pulling his dog trailer! Lainey can be found climbing in and around the truck and trailer every time!
Lainey girl, you are amazing! I am truly blessed and so incredibly thankful that I get the opportunity to stay home and raise you. I love spending time with you. Keep up all the amazing things you are doing and learning! I am so proud of you. You are my purpose. My joy. My happiness. My world. I love you beyond words could ever say!