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Baby #2 - The First Trimester

Writer: JessJess

The Mieden family is growing! We couldn’t be more excited!! I have no doubt Lainey is going to absolutely crush her new role as big sister. Her heart is gold, and I can't wait to see how she loves her sibling!

Finding Out

We found out much earlier than we did than with Lainey. I found out on March 16th, when I was 4 weeks, 3 days. VERY EARLY.

It is kind of a crazy story.

The day before (Monday, March 15th), I took a pregnancy test, and it was negative (looking back at it, there was a very, very faint second line). I was sad to see it was negative, but oddly enough, I wasn’t as devastated as I had been after other negative tests. I believe God didn’t let me feel that sadness because He knew things were going to change.

The next afternoon, after getting home from a walk with Lainey, I was just exhausted! Tyler saw my exhaustion and suggested I take a shower while he watched Lainey.

Before jumping in the shower, something inside me said to take a pregnancy test. Not expecting a different result, I took the test anyway and almost immediately threw it out because I was (initially) only seeing one line. I showered and was getting dressed (not even thinking about the test) and out the corner of my eye, the test caught my attention. I looked over at it and WHAT?! Two lines! I couldn’t believe it! I was in absolute shock! Overjoyed but truly in absolute shock! I had basically written off the possibility of being pregnant after the negative test the day before.

Later that night, I told Tyler. Actually, showed Tyler. I was waiting for him in the kitchen with a couple of positive pregnancy tests on the table. He was equally confused at first (“I thought you said it was negative??!”) but so overjoyed! I filmed his reaction- it was great!!

The next morning, we told Lainey. She didn't bat an eye but was very interested in her snacks. We have no doubt our sweet, loving girl is going to make the best big sister! (I keep telling her about the baby in my tummy, and she gives my belly a kiss every night! She even gave my belly some of her drink last night! BRB, crying.)

We told our parents pretty early as well, and shortly after that, we shared the news with our siblings. We are believers in sharing early with our families because we couldn't contain our excitement, and we wanted them to be part of the journey with us.

Appointments This pregnancy has been has been so different than my first! First major difference was that I needed to have an ultrasound, unexpectedly, due to early bleeding and spotting. With the first ultrasound, I was able to see the gestational sac and yok sac at 5 weeks, 5 days. The need for an ultrasound was to rule out an ectopic pregnancy. Thankfully, the embryo made it safely to my uterus. I was told the early bleeding could have been implantation bleeding, something I did not experience with Lainey.

As part of my OB’s follow-up process, I needed a second ultrasound (to confirm growth of baby) at least 11 days after that first ultrasound. The days between the ultrasounds were anxiety-filled but faith in Jesus that His plan was greater than my own helped me through.

Between those 11 days, I started developing extreme fatigue and nausea, which actually came as a relief! At 7 weeks, 4 days, a second ultrasound confirmed baby was growing and was right on schedule! During that ultrasound I also got to see baby’s heart beating,137 bpm. Baby’s heart looked like tiny little cymbals beating together- absolutely incredible to see! I didn’t have any ultrasounds until the anatomy scan with Lainey.

My first (official) appointment was May 4th, and Tyler got to attend. We heard baby’s heartbeat for the first time, 175 bpm, and it was as magical as hearing Lainey’s the first time. God is good, and the gift of life is absolutely amazing! We celebrated baby’s strong heartbeat with cinnamon rolls!

Pregnancy Symptoms

My symptoms have been very different this pregnancy as well. I have had major food aversions, a heightened sense of smell, and constant nausea. All of this makes it incredibly difficult to find anything I want to eat. So many foods make me feel sick but I can’t actually think of anything I want to eat. It is pure survival mode over here.

The first trimester fatigue is no joke either! The fatigue and nausea have made it really difficult to chase Lainey around. She is in a very active stage and keeping up with her every day has been a tough and new challenge this pregnancy. It seems like when we are able to get out of the house, I feel better, but it is so hard to get out some days because I don’t feel well.

Though I am in a tough stretch, I am so thankful for our growing little baby! This is all temporary and is so worth it!

A very big thank you to Tyler, my mom, and my sister. They all have been helping out, giving me times to rest, which is so appreciated! Tyler especially, has taken on so much responsibility. My only energy is preserved and spent chasing Lainey around and usually the remaining time I am resting in bed. Praying that all changes soon.

Another couple things that are different this pregnancy is that I have been so out of breath! Even reading Lainey a book leaves me completely winded. Also, sadly, I have not been able to go on many walks this pregnancy yet. When I get out for one, they seem to be at a snail’s pace and very short. I’m giving myself grace but am really hoping to get back to them more in the second trimester!

I am definitely showing quicker this pregnancy, which I have heard is common. I feel like I am showing 5-6 weeks earlier. Below are pics of my bump “debut” with Lainey at 17 weeks, and below is at 12 weeks. Pretty similar in my opinion, which is slightly terrifying.

Gender Reveal

We will be finding out baby’s gender during our anatomy scan in June. I must say though, I have an extremely strong feeling that Baby #2 is a boy! While trying but before finding out I was pregnant, I had a dream we had a boy. I woke up and told Tyler I think I’m going to be pregnant this month and that baby was going to be a boy. Time will tell!

An added challenge to our growing family is our house! I love our house, and it has been a great first house! But it is small. Two-bedroom small. So Lainey and baby will be sharing a room, which will be totally fine! But there will be some details and logistics we will need to work through regarding space and sleeping arrangements within their room. We do have some time though, since baby will be sleeping in our room for awhile. The gender reveal will also tell us if we will be changing the decor from Lainey’s Boho Floral Woodland Creatures theme to something more gender neutral!

Genetic Testing

Last July, we learned that Tyler and I are carriers of the genetic mutation that caused Lainey's hearing loss. We had no idea we were carriers! Hearing loss does not run in either of our families. (On a separate note, I still find it amazing that we both are carriers and found each other in this large universe! And then we created our beautiful and perfect daughter, who just happens to have hearing loss. We certainly wouldn't change a thing!). But anyways, as carriers, our future children have 1 in 4 chance of hearing loss. This news took a while to process last July. But the news has had no bearing on our decision to grow our family. I know we are still relatively "new" to Lainey's hearing loss journey, but I know what to do. Or at least it is well with my soul and I know we will figure it out. I feel like I can raise one (or multiple children) with hearing loss. Yes, there will be additional challenges for Lainey or any child with hearing loss, but I wouldn't change a thing. We were not going to let a statistic, a chance, stop us from growing our family and giving Lainey a sibling.

Originally we were going to do genetic testing to determine (early) if baby has hearing loss. We were presented with two options. One was a blood test that would still require a second blood test (at birth) to confirm. The second was a needle through my tummy to get to baby for testing. That was not going to happen. We decided to forgo genetic testing because ultimately, the outcome did not matter.

Though it would have been nice to know earlier, we will wait until birth to determine if baby has hearing loss. Either way, our baby is fearfully and wonderfully made. Perfect, just like Lainey.


Baby’s due date is November 20th, the Saturday before Thanksgiving. This also happens to be the gun season opener. Tyler is slightly devastated, but he will get over it!

It has been so great to share our news! We are so excited!! We are enjoying every moment as a family of four (Mack included!) but look forward to our new future and our new adventures in November!!

Baby, keep fighting and keep growing! You have been prayed for and we continue to pray for you every day! We love you so much and can’t wait to meet you!!



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