Dear Alaina,
Oh my goodness, today you are one! I still cannot believe it.
12 months
As I write this, you are babbling in your crib. You have been up since before 6 am, which is very unusual! You must have known it was your birthday because you were also awake from from 12:47 - 2:08 am, babbling away, rolling all over, standing, and slamming your legs against the crib! Again, very unusual as you have always been a great sleeper!
But anyways, Happy 1st Birthday, my baby!! In just 365 days, I cannot believe how much you have grown and developed. From the precious newborn with so many rolls and dark brown hair, to my beautiful, smart, curious, determined, and sweet best friend with a big personality! You are going to do amazing things, Alaina! You already have! You are so incredibly special, and I still cannot believe I get to be part of this amazing journey with you!
For your first birthday, I thought it would be a great time to reflect on some of the things you have learned and experienced over the past year.
Dada, Mack, and I love you more than we could every put into words!
One through twelve-month milestone pics
Alaina Tyler
Born: 10/21/2019 at 2:38 pm at the Oconomowoc Memorial Hospital
Height: TBD at Friday's Wellness check (at birth: 20.5 inches)
Weight: TBD at Friday's Wellness check (at birth: 8 pounds, 11 ounces)
Number of Teeth: 5
Your Firsts:
Sleep through the night: 10 weeks
Pair of ears: 10 weeks
First sign: milk, 5 months
Sleep in crib: 6 months
Food: baby oatmeal, 6 months (reached 100 foods at 10 months)
Belly laugh: 6 months
Sound imitation: 6 months
First word: Mama, 7 months old
Swim: 7 months old
Tooth: 8 months
Whistle blow: 9 months
Vacation: Phillips, Wisconsin, 10 months old
Sing: 11 months
Crawl: 11 months
Favorite foods: cheese, deli meats (ham & turkey), apples, Lil Crunchies
You love: Mack, Mama, Dada, making sounds, reading, singing
You can: sign 6 words (milk, more, all done, please, Mama, bath), blow your whistle & duck call, pull yourself up, walk assisted, wave hi & bye, give high fives, clap to music, imitate a variety of sounds
Nicknames: Lainey, Peanut, Missy Moo, Lanes, Lane, the Lane Train