I am so proud of Lainey.
Though she can't talk yet, at 12 months old, she can tell me exactly what she wants - all through baby sign! Seriously, it's amazing.
Lainey tells me when she wants "milk", "more", and "Mama". She tells me when she wants something to "eat", "drink", and when she wants a "book". She tells me when she's "all done" and signs "bath" when it's time for one. She also signs "please" when there's something she wants. She does so, looking up at me with her big, beautiful blue eyes. It is so cute!!

Lainey signing "please" (for her blanket) - 12 months old
Lainey has been pairing words together too, which I've been told normally doesn't happen until the age of 2. So for instance, she'll sign "more please", "eat please", "drink please".
My mind is just blown!
It is amazing how (at such a young age!) we can communicate! I am so happy we were encouraged by my sister and a couple other people to do baby sign with Lainey. 🙏 It has completely impacted our parenting style in the most beautiful and rewarding way.
Our decision to start baby sign with Lainey was not made because of her hearing loss. I did not know this before Lainey was born, but baby sign is encouraged for every baby. It is a means to be able to communicate before your baby is physically able to so.
Lainey hardly cries or fusses, and I believe this is because she can clearly communicate all her needs with me. With baby sign, the guessing game of what she wants is completely out of the picture. 🙌
When Lainey was 3 months old, we started signing "milk". On the night before Easter, when Lainey was 5 months old, we (unintentionally) caught her signing milk on video! It was so subtle, and I am sure was she was signing it before we actually realized it. To be honest, I am not sure I would have seen it if I hadn't been obsessively re-watching the video of her getting a carrot ready for the Easter Bunny. 😂😍🤷♀️
It is pretty obvious watching this back now, but this was the first time Lainey signed - 5 months old
Currently, Lainey signs 9 words ("milk", "more", "Mama", "eat", "drink", "please", "all done", "book", and "bath"). She has some unique takes on words, which is so adorable! All that matters is that we know what she means - and we do! 😊😊😊
Lainey recently learned "book". She learned it in 5 days. I can't believe how fast she picked it up. We are working on a couple others right now ("sleep" and "play"). I am trying not to do too many at one time, but she's picking them up so fast, I know she can handle it.
The other day when we were by my parents, Lainey woke up from a nap and immediately signed "eat please". My dad saw it and was practically in tears he was so amazed and proud. Wiping his eyes, he said, "that is really amazing". 🥰🥰🥰
If you can't tell, I have become very passionate about baby sign and will always be an advocate for it.
Alaina Tyler, you are amazing! The sky is the limit for you, my darling!! I love you more than words could every explain! 🥰🤟💗
I am so glad you, Tyler and Alaina for that matter have embraced baby sign!
It really is so amazing how much Lainey can communicate with all of us. We are all so proud of her and I think she is even proud of herself the way she can communicate and we praise her. :)