I cannot believe Lainey will be starting preschool (2.5K!) next week. I am having a really hard time with giving her up (but that's a whole other story!).
Yesterday, we met with Lainey's teachers, as well as the entire preschool staff, and also a few members of the school district to review the care of Lainey's "ears". I gave her teaches background information on her hearing, how they should care for her ears, some other things to note about her hearing difference, tips on communicating, and a script of what we share with others regarding her hearing difference. We covered a lot, and it was empowering to advocate for Lainey because I know exactly what she needs.
I brought handouts, a supply box full of things they might need (like replacement batteries, etc.), and we gifted her teacher/the classroom our favorite hearing loss book.
The meeting went fantastic, and I advocated just as I wanted. The teachers practiced changing her batteries and putting her headband/ears in. It felt reassuring how willing to learn and receptive the teachers were. (And as a side-note, her assistant teacher actually wears two hearing aids so that is pretty cool!).
After we got home from the meeting and I had some time to process, I realized how BIG of a day/step in Lainey's hearing journey this was. I was also reminded about how heavy the mental load can be with a child (or children) with hearing loss.
Yesterday I was reminded that Lainey's hearing journey is lifelong. That alone can be very hard to process at times. I was also reminded that this isn't my hearing journey - it is Lainey's. I am blessed and fortunate enough to be on it with her, but at the end of the day, this is Lainey's journey. I am viewing preschool as a new chapter in her hearing journey, and a chapter where she may need to advocate (in some circumstances) without me. That is a lot to process (and grieve!). I really wish I was warned about this.
So Lainey has a very big year ahead of her. I have all the emotions for her right now. I know this school year, Lainey and I will both learn so much! I know there will be hardships but I am anticipating so much more growth! I am putting my faith in Jesus, and trusting in Lainey's ability to advocate when I am not there. Lainey will also most likely have a TOD (Teacher of Deaf/Hard of Hearing) that will be a great support and resource for her as well.
We will get through it, I know we will. But man, this is not easy.
Lainey girl, this is a very big chapter in your hearing journey! I will be there every step of the way! I know you can do hard things, and I know you are going to absolutely soar! I can't wait for you to show the world how bright you shine! I love you more than you will ever know, sweet girl!! Xoxo, Mama